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With many years of experience Swiss Merchant Group aim to help you make better decisions for your business.


We strive to develop strategies to optimise the performance of the organisation while eliminating unnecessary costs and inefficiencies. Technological solutions play a major role and we often recommend the implementation of the solutions provided by our IT partners.


We have a standardised process to help us get to know your organisation. We will make a thorough analysis of the operation, the objectives, the culture  and the challenges. Alongside a detailed analysis of the market environment and its opportunities, we will provide a strategic plan to ensure the long term success of the organisation.


Analyzing Graphs
Open Laptop


Market Strategy

Financial Management

Mergers, Acquisitions, Disposal, Funding

Risk Analysis

IT Solutions



Meeting regulatory requirements in different jurisdictions can be a minefield. We aim to provide support and guidance, particularly in the area of investment firms looking to set up in European and Middle Eastern jurisdictions. Working with local partners, we aim to provide accurate and forward-looking strategies to ensure the organisation is not hindered by unforeseen compliance issues.

Data on a Touch Pad
Family Viewing House


We invest indirectly through our 100% owned subsidiaries in real estate projects in Europe.

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